Department of History

24 Academic staff

162 Students

40 Modules

Department of History as a part of the College of Education in the University of Koya has been opened since 2001. From then until 2014, eight groups` of students have gained their BA and graduated in this Department. Nowadays, this Dept is a part of the Faculty of Education at the same University. Furthermore, for the first time, during 2004-2007, MA and PDH in historical studies have begun. These studies included three major periods of history, namely Medieval, Modern and Contemporary. Since then, three groups of MA and PHD students have been graduated or began their studies. From November 2014, another group of MA students began their studies in Medieval History.

Since History is part of any group’s past and identity, our department is teaching all parts of history critically in order for our students to be a critical researcher. Therefore, our vision is for a restudy of history critically and without being biased to any group or ideology.

In terms of studying history, in this department, our students are studying all periods of local and global history. This includes Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History

As part of their qualification, during their four years of their BA, we teach them several educational and psychological modules. Furthermore, in their last year of study, we also expect them to go to local schools and do their Teacher Training Placement.

Finally, as part of our study programs, we do have MA and Phd studies. Our graduates in higher education are expected and trained to be future researchers in the field of historical and related fields in addition to their future carer as Assistant Lecture or Lectures in our Universities in Kurdistan.

Academic Staff
